Lee James Simmons, Ltd. “Lee Simmons” Registered in England and Wales company registration number: 09891404, provides this website, leesimmons.com, referred to as the “Website” for informational purposes.
By accessing the website, you accept these “Terms and Conditions” of use and “Privacy Policy”, as may be amended from time to time, without limitation or qualification. If you do not wish to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, please refrain from further use of the website.
Legal Entity: Lee James Simmons Ltd
Company Registration Number: 09891404
Director: Lee Simmons
Contact: [email protected]
Registered address: 10-12 Mulberry Green, Harlow, England, CM17 0ET
The copyright of all content published by Lee Simmons is protected by copyright laws. Images, text, software, documentation, electronic text and image files, audio and video files and clips, and other materials on the Website are protected by copyright laws and may be covered by other restrictions as well. Lee Simmons retains all rights it may hold, including copyright, in data, image, text, and any other information contained in these files. Copyrights and other proprietary rights in the material on the Website may also subsist in individuals and entities other than, and in addition to, Lee Simmons. Lee Simmons expressly prohibits the copying of any protected materials on the Website. Unauthorized publication of Lee Simmons’s files is prohibited. Anyone wishing to use any files or images for commercial use, publication, or any other purpose must request and receive prior written permission. All requests to reproduce content from the Website should be made to [email protected].
The Artist hereby asserts on behalf of Lee Simmons all moral rights granted by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 in all work.
The intellectual property, copyright, design rights and website imagery are all the property of Lee James Simmons Ltd.
“Lee Simmons” and the “Lee Simmons Trademark” are registered trademarks of Lee Simmons. You may not use the Lee Simmons Trademark without Lee Simmons’s prior, written permission in each case.
The names, titles, trademarks, service marks, and logos of third parties on the Website from time to time are registered and unregistered marks of those third parties; you may not use these trademarks without prior, written permission of their respective owners.
Lee Simmons reserves the right to alter, supplement, or delete parts or the whole of the website’s content, or to terminate the website temporarily or completely without further notice.
Lee Simmons has no influence on external content offered through direct or indirect links to other third party web sites and pages with the exception of the content on social media profiles administered by Lee Simmons.
These Terms and Conditions were last modified on April 11th, 2023