‘A dendrite is a characteristic tree-like structure of crystals growing as molten metal freezes, the shape produced by faster growth along energetically favourable crystallographic directions. This dendritic growth has large consequences in regard to material properties.’
The project was a collaboration with Stiff & Trevillion Architects for a new building suited in the heart of London’s Soho. Through early discussions and several joint workshops Lee and Stiff & Trevillion looked to identify locations within the building’s façade for an Artistic collaboration. The output of the process resulting identifying areas of the buildings proposed cornice and windows reveals would be appropriate areas for an area of artistic concentration.
Dendrite, looked to build upon Lee’s fascination with the process of casting aluminium and the works of Grandisio. As it was felt the material would make for a complementary juxtaposition of the buildings glazed brickwork.
The cornice and main corner window reveals took on the form of a aluminium frieze that would frame the buildings external graphical geometry.
The stimulus for the design was derived from deconstructing the fundamental components of the metal casting process a material and process that Lee has a fascination with given that Beak Street had historical been known as ‘Silver Street’. How metal structures at a molecular level are formed, became the bases for two dimensional studies that resulted in taking several of these two-dimensional studies and creating a sense of depth to create abstracted three-dimensional dendrite crystals that where scalded up into cast panels.